Soulful Services


Embodied Soulful Healing & Energy Clearing.

During this hour long session with your higher self and Spirit, you will learn what is keeping you stuck, release old emotions that have been lingering in your body, and you will leave with clarity. Energy healing and clearing is about being fully present, open to what wants to reveal itself to you, and being willing to be with your shadow and depths in order to begin the journey towards healing and transformation. I ask that you come to the session open hearted with the knowing that anything is possible with Spirit. Spirit, the Sacred, always knows what we need to become the most radiant, divine beings.

Healing & Energy Clearing - $150 for hour session.

“I felt called to do a session with Kristin without knowing what exactly I wanted support with. With Kristin's guidance and gentle presence I was able to tune into my body and become aware of an unhealed issue in my relationship with my son. She was able to tune into my experience of challenge and bring the wisdom of my higher self into the relationship. When I was unable to come up with words, she made suggestions of words and images that were exactly what I needed in order to release stuck emotional energy and grief that I didn't even know I was carrying concerning an untimely death of a pet. Since the session I feel lighter and freer and more able to engage in close relationships.”

- Sharie B.


Psychic Readings & Mediumship.

Psychic Readings & Mediumship is for those looking to deepen their spiritual awareness and connect with their loved ones past, as well as deepen their relationship with the Holy Otherworld. My intention with any hour long reading is that it is full of light, love, and clarity, and that you leave feeling blessed, supported, and with a sense of renewal. I ask that you come to the session open hearted with the knowing that anything can be revealed to you. In this time and space, we learn to honor and respect the Holy Otherworld and see how deeply interconnected we truly are.

Psychic Reading & Mediumship - $150 for hour session.

“Kristin is a very talented and intuitive healer. I would highly recommend her to anyone looking to get in touch with a loved one or get in tune with their own inner healing. Kristin was able to access insightful information that allowed me to move forward with childhood trauma. I was also able to speak with my father and grandmother, who have passed. She was able to name names and objects of affection that only they would know. It was truly an awakening experience!
One evening, in particular, I called upon Kristin for last minute intuitive support, and she was able to be there for me during a difficult time, as well as guide me through it. Kristin is very easy to talk to and really takes the time to get to know you. She makes you feel special while creating a safe, secure, and loving space. She is undoubtably a master of her craft! Thank you Kristin for all that you do!”

- Princess C.


Home Cleansing & Blessing.

Home cleansing and blessings are one of my most favorite services to offer. With a keen eye for aesthetics and intentional, spiritual living, I will support you in cleansing your home, seeing what is holding old, negative energy, providing suggestions for bringing in the energies you desire, and can also support you with unwanted spiritual energy. During this time, you will also learn how to cleanse and bless your own home moving forward. This is a collaborative endeavor, as I am a believer in teaching you the process, rather than doing it solely for you. Each person and home is unique, so I like to have a conversation about your desires and get to know what you are wanting to achieve with your home and sacred space first.

Home Cleansing & Blessing - fee dependent on size and time

"I approached Kristin to do a clearing of my home over Zoom. Her method, intuition and recommendations completely transformed my home. I see the change visually but more importantly, feel the shift energetically. Guests have commented on how my home “feels” better.

Kristin provided a one-of-a-kind service by going room to room, using her experience with energy to suggest objects to add, furniture re-arrangements and continuously inquiring how the experience was resonating with me.  This experience feminized and softened my space to the tune of what feels like an added Feng Shui bonus.”

- Jennifer G.


Exclusive Mentorship &

VIP Days.

Exclusive Mentorships & VIP Days are for you if you are ready to understand and move forward from your crossroads, you are seeking to befriend and understand your emotions and not have them overwhelm and keep you stuck, you are wanting to deepen your spiritual life and intuitive abilities, you are desiring to come back home to yourself after recognizing you have lost yourself in another, you want to build self-value, internal happiness, and accept yourself just as you are. This work is for you who take fully responsibility for your choices and take accountability for how you show up in your life, and are ready to do a deep dive in order to awaken to your wild, radiance within.

What I love most about this process and working together, is that I will design a program that is unique and specific to you using what you share with me and guidance I receive from Spirit. Are you interested in learning more and seeing if this would be an amazing fit for us both as co-collaborators on your transformational journey? Please schedule a consultation by clicking the purple button below. I cannot wait to get to know you, where you are at, what is keeping you stuck, and what you are truly desiring in your life.