Discover Your Soul Compass

Here you will find Sacred Space for Spiritual Discovery, Embodied Wisdom, and Intuitive Guidance for the Crossroads of Life.

~ Healer and guide for women wanting to follow their true heart’s desires by listening to their body, intuition, and heart for a mystical, magical, and radiant life. ~


Surrender to the Depth.

We have a tendency to deny, run from, and numb our painful emotions, suffering, and shame, yet in doing so, we actually become encaged and stuck in never ending cycles of resistance and only living a life of survival. As your spiritual and intuitive life guide, I am able to journey to depths with you, where you can learn to embrace all of who you are, in order to find the diamond in the rough and live a thriving life. Fear becomes transformed to Feel, Embody, Accept, Radiate—face everything and rise, rise anew.


Dance with Abandon.

Give yourself permission to dance with abandon in all areas of life. Here we let go of people pleasing, over-responsibility, and savior complexes to embrace and thrive in our own lives. The courage to dance with abandon is learning to be vulnerable with yourself first about your wants, needs, and desires, and then share that heart space with others. It is about sacred yes’s and sacred no’s so that you feel free to dance through life, on your terms, with opulence and radiance beaming from within.


Leap into the Unimaginable.

Once we awaken to our own needs, wants, desires, and feelings, we learn to listen and trust our body wisdom and internal sage in order to leap into what we once perceived as unimaginable. Our leap into the unimaginable is where Spirit meets us and gives us wings to soar, taking us to places and providing opportunities we never thought possible. I am here to support you in taking that leap, grand or petite.


Embrace the Wild Radiance Within.

The Wild Radiant One(s) within are awaiting our return. They calls us out of the depths and beckon us home. Wild Radiant One(s), “will cause us to live fully alive, responsively, and consistently so. Their strength is their adaptation to change, their innovation, their dancing, their howling, their growling, their deep instinctual life, their creative fire. (Clarissa Pinkola-Estes from my favorite book, Women Who Run With the Wolves).” Together, we will journey into the wild to discover your Soul Compass, spiritual life, and intuitive gifts to fully embrace your wild radiance within.

“If you can see your path laid out in front of you step by step, you know it's not your path.

Your own path you make with every step you take. That’s why it’s your path!”

—Joseph Campbell

One Conversation to Transformation.